Assumes 5,000 kWh per year consumption per household.
CSIRO GenCost 2022-23, p54 s5.1.2, https://www.csiro.au/-/media/EF/Files/GenCost/GenCost2022-23Final_27-06-2023.pdf
CSIRO GenCost 2022-23, p54 s5.1.2, https://www.csiro.au/-/media/EF/Files/GenCost/GenCost2022-23Final_27-06-2023.Pdf
Vestas. (2024). Lifecycle assessment of electricity production from an onshore wind plant. https://www.vestas.com/content/dam/vestas-com/global/en/sustainability/environment/LCA%20of%20Electricity%20Production%20from%20an%20offshore%20V236-15MW.pdf.coredownload.inline.pdf
Can wind turbines be recycled?
What happens at the end of a wind farm’s operating life?
Will a wind farm cause any traffic impacts?
Will turbines cause any shadow flicker?
Are wind turbines noisy?
What are the visual impacts of a wind farm?
How are fire risks around the turbine area managed?
Are wind turbines a fire risk?
How does Equis manage the biodiversity risks to land?
How does Equis manage the biodiversity impacts of our projects?
What is Equis' approach to community engagement?
What are some example community benefits of a wind farm?
How do Equis projects benefit the local community?
Can wind farms coexist with farming operations?
What studies will be carried out by Equis?
What approvals do wind farms need?
How does Equis select wind farm sites?
How long does it take for a wind farm to replace the emissions generated in its production?
How cost effective is wind energy?
How do wind turbines generate electricity?

Get in touch
Equis Australia


Will turbines cause any shadow flicker?
Are wind turbines noisy?
What are the visual impacts of a wind farm?
How are fire risks around the turbine area managed?
Are wind turbines a fire risk?
How does Equis manage the biodiversity risks to land?
How does Equis manage the biodiversity impacts of our projects?
How cost effective is wind energy?
What is Equis' approach to community engagement?
What are some example community benefits of a wind farm?
How long does it take for a wind farm to replace the emissions generated in its production?
Will a wind farm cause any traffic impacts?
What happens at the end of a wind farm’s operating life?
Can wind turbines be recycled?
Can wind farms coexist with farming operations?
How do wind turbines generate electricity?
How do Equis projects benefit the local community?
How does Equis select wind farm sites?
What approvals do wind farms need?
What studies will be carried out by Equis?
Assumes 5,000 kWh per year consumption per household.
CSIRO GenCost 2022-23, p54 s5.1.2, https://www.csiro.au/-/media/EF/Files/GenCost/GenCost2022-23Final_27-06-2023.pdf
CSIRO GenCost 2022-23, p54 s5.1.2, https://www.csiro.au/-/media/EF/Files/GenCost/GenCost2022-23Final_27-06-2023.Pdf
Vestas. (2024). Lifecycle assessment of electricity production from an onshore wind plant. https://www.vestas.com/content/dam/vestas-com/global/en/sustainability/environment/LCA%20of%20Electricity%20Production%20from%20an%20offshore%20V236-15MW.pdf.coredownload.inline.pdf

Get in touch
Equis Australia